

All our latest talks

We have a wealth of great talks available to listen to. The most recent are at the top of the list.

Recent Talks

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  • Resurrection Power

    31st March 2024

    This Easter Sunday Clare Wilkinson encouraged us to leave all our fears and worries in the tomb and not bring them into our worship.  Instead, she encouraged us to remember that Jesus dying on the cross has brought us freedom! This is something to praise God for and remember this Easter Sunday. 

  • 7 rules of relationships

    17th March 2024

    As a church, we believe friendships are vital as we journey with God and with others.  we want to make sure we create a safe place for people on a Sunday morning and in the groups that are starting up.  Kate shares with us some guidelines that we can use to enable us to care for each other as we are all valuable. 

  • A Mother's Love

    15th March 2024

    in recognition of mothers day, Chris Wilkinson shares about what God has been showing him about the Trinity and how God also demonstrates a mother's love. Pete and him also have a chat with 3 mums at different stages in life and who share their wisdom and insights.

  • Worship

    3rd March 2024

    Worship is one of the pillars of our church.  In this podcast, Clare Ackrill talks with Emily Read about worship in the church and cultivating a heart of worship.   

  • Coaching and mentoring

    25th February 2024

    One of the four pillars that we have in the church is coaching and mentoring.  In this podcast, Clare Wilkinson shares with us how Jesus chose the disciples as the people he mentored and coached. Clare looks in the gospel of Mark and looks at how Jesus journeyed with the disciples. 

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We love Living Waters because...

I felt really welcomed and it was really fun.

#LWCTestimonies #LWCStories

Sunday Service

When: Sun 16th Feb 10:30am - 12:30pm
Where: Clevedon School Hall, BS21 6AH

You are very welcome to join us on a Sunday morning at Clevedon School where we gather to spend time together as a church family. 

Tea and Coffee are served from 10:30 am and we start the service at about 10:40 am.

We normally have a time of sung worship and then hear from someone in the church. 

Our children's group - True colours either go out to their group or if they are staying in the service there is a table at the back of the hall where activities are available for the children. 

Tea and coffee will be served after the service as well.

Not sure how to find us? Get in touch.

More about Sundays
