Our Vision

At Living Waters you will hear us saying that we are ‘on a journey with friends to freedom’. None of us have ‘arrived’ and so this is a journey we are on together.

What's it about?

Jesus came to enable us to live according to our original design, which in a nutshell is loving God and loving people. So people are at the heart of our church. Understanding how valuable every person on earth is and learning about their uniqueness is part of a journey of seeing people through God’s eyes. Everything we do has this at its heart. We are all on a journey of seeing God’s love for us, accepting his call to relationship and then as we become more like him, loving others as he has loved us.

We love Living Waters because...

I felt really welcomed and it was really fun.

#LWCTestimonies #LWCStories

Sunday Service

When: Sun 16th Feb 10:30am - 12:30pm
Where: Clevedon School Hall, BS21 6AH

You are very welcome to join us on a Sunday morning at Clevedon School where we gather to spend time together as a church family. 

Tea and Coffee are served from 10:30 am and we start the service at about 10:40 am.

We normally have a time of sung worship and then hear from someone in the church. 

Our children's group - True colours either go out to their group or if they are staying in the service there is a table at the back of the hall where activities are available for the children. 

Tea and coffee will be served after the service as well.

Not sure how to find us? Get in touch.

More about Sundays
